Experience ways to live a life filled with love, joy, peace, hope and rest . . . promote creating a world where we all love and care for one another!
I so very much appreciate your translation. You have obviously put tremendous time, study and prayer into this project. Every blessing, Libby B.
Please take time to read and enjoy, and most of all, allow the Holy Spirit to give you fresh insights into that which our Father has given us through His Word.
Kenneth G., Canada
Wow, praise God. It's wonderful! Much love from China, with great thanksgiving to our Father.
Philip, China
I hope it eventually comes out in a compact version I could throw in my fanny pack or coat pocket!!
Peter H., WA
I am a missionary in Trinidad and discovered your translation. Praise God! It's going to be a tremendous help to me in developing my sermons and in personal Bible study.
"Let them give glory unto the Lord and declare His praise in the islands." [Isaiah 42:12]
Wally G., Trinidad
I am preparing a reference book about Bible versions. I am including an entry for your work. It appears you have used many Greek manuscripts. Thank you for your time and hard work!
Pastor Bradford
I live in the Philipines and in your explanation you use Greek words to translate very well the word of God. Now I learn how important it is to know about Greek as I study the word. It is my burden to let the people know about His truth you share to us.
Brother V., Philippines
I am an avid studier and a teacher. I very much look forward to comparing your work to other study aids. Thanks so much. Love in Father, Linda
This translation will not only help me personally how to be strong in the Faith, but it really contributes a lot in reaching lost people by sharing the Word of God to them. It helps me so much to know more of God's wonderful Word. Thank you for your concern to other people like me. Brother Jimmy T.
Where can I purchase your materials? Udaya
Greetings from Myanmar in the name of Jesus Christ. I love to read your New Testament. I want to translate your book into Myanmar dialects. It will be very helpful for my ministry. I have a small bible school and have trained around 100 women and men. Also a home for orphans and needy children. Rev T., Myanmar
I prayed 28 years for my father's reconciliation to Christ (a former youth minister). Hours after his death, I found out he reconciled with God.
I love Rick Joyner's comment: "In the last three chapters of the Bible [Revelation] we see that everything has been restored which was lost at the fall. As we have also seen, that which is restored has a greater glory than something that is just built. We also see in these scriptures that the end restored relationship between God and man is even better than it was in the beginning. At the end, the Lord does not just walk with man, He dwells with man. Man has become His habitation." [end quote] Our family's brokenness will have a greater glory upon restoration. Your translation is a lifeline.
Thank you, Beth
Your treatment of Galations 1:8 startled me. I like the thought of placing a teaching on the altar before the Lord for acceptance or rejection by Him. I think of this happening on the altar of our heart where the true Word is able to judge all things.
As I casually read portions of your translation I say to myself, "Ooh, I gotta get back to this with more attention." Your task of clarifying what the text really says helps facilitate an entrance into the Spirit of the Word. John, CA
Your translation renders a classic explanation centered in the relationship that God maintains with us even in the face of alienation. When God speaks His Word in the form of the gospel into our hearts, that word creates a change of mind including faith. The result is a new creation through the sovereignly spoken Word of God.
The apostle Paul equates the Word that was operative in creation with the operation of the good-news-Word in salvation when he wrote, "For God, who said, Light shall shine out of darkness, is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
Paul is presenting salvation as an experience which parallels creation! God spoke forth light from out of the midst of the darkness that we read in Genesis 1:2.
Your translation deserves to be read over and over again to be fully appreciated.
Sample Passages and Verses / Translation Information
FREE - Download the 2014 PDF Edition of Jonathan Mitchell's
New Testament (JMNT)
Easy tip for discovering God's beautiful message in the JMNT: Type keywords for that Bible verse you always wondered about into a search engine (especially if you can't remember the exact book, chapter & verse in the Bible), and compare the Bible verses from other translations that come up in the search results with the JMNT. Simply make note of the scripture reference online (e.g.: John 3:16, etc.), then make the comparison by looking up the verse in Jonathan Mitchell's translation. You don't need to read large portions of the JMNT in one sitting to discover how the comparisons may change your life (and your views about God) in a very rewarding and empowering way. Instead, simply meditate on any new insight being revealed, and then put even the smallest seed of truth into action in your daily life . . .
and watch God make it grow (1 Corinthians 3:7)!
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