Comments on Romans
ROMANS IS REGARDED as arguably one of the most important Christian documents ever written. In his letter, Paul reveals insights into an empowering and satisfying walk with God. He faithfully expounds the tremendous scope of God’s plan for the redemption of man.
Paul repeatedly emphasizes that God initiates the action in every aspect. The weakness of the old covenant has been replaced with the new covenant of the Spirit. Bondage to sin is broken. Gift and grace triumph over works and law. Man is brought into new relationship, new freedom, new hope, and new life.
FOR MODERN READERS OF ROMANS, how we understand the topics of justification, salvation, atonement, judgment, wrath/personal emotion, participation in Christ and new covenant inclusion, greatly impact how we live our lives, and how we treat and regard others. It governs how we present to the world God’s message of goodness, ease and well-being in Christ that has come to us by His Spirit.
These principles become the continuous manifestation of that which calls forth praise in the wisdom and goodness and justice of God. The underlying theology of what Paul sets forth in Romans transcends time and place to speak to every generation.
This compilation is a fully developed and extensive work - a dynamic tool for students of scripture, study groups, pastors, leaders and seekers everywhere:
Comments based upon Greek texts with multiple renderings
Critical attention to the Greek verb tenses and noun functions
A historical-critical approach
Citations from multiple scholars who contribute various perspectives
Quotes from New Testament letters and the Gospels
Additional quotes from the Old Testament and Jewish literature
The commentary is based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God's Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit, His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love, a translation by the author.