A Sample Passage from 2 Thessalonians 1:
3. We continue being indebted to be constantly expressing gratitude to God (or: We are continually owing [it] to be habitually acknowledging the goodness of grace and the well-being from the favor in God) - always - concerning you, brothers (= fellow believers; = Family members), according as it is continually valuable (pushes the scales down; is worthy), because your faith (or: trust; conviction; loyalty) is constantly flourishing (growing above; over-growing; exceedingly increasing) and the love of each one of you all continuously abounds (exists in abundance) unto and into the midst of each other,
4. so that we ourselves boast in you folks among God's summoned-forth ones (among those called-out of God; or: in union with God's called-out communities) over your steadfast remaining under to give support (or: persistent patient endurance) and faith (or: loyalty) within all your pursuits (or: chasings; or: persecutions; harassments) and the pressures (squeezings; constrictions; contractions; tribulations; oppressions; ordeals) which you habitually have again (or: sustain; hold up):
5. a demonstration (a pointing-out; a display) of God's fair and equitable (just; righteous; in accord with the Way pointed out) decision (separation for making a distinction and an evaluation or a judging), unto your being accounted worthy (of equal value) of God's kingdom (or: the sovereign reign which is God), over (or: on behalf of) which you are also constantly having sensible experiences (or: normally feeling emotions; or: repeatedly suffering),
6. since respecting one who observes the way pointed out - a rightwised person - [it is right] in the presence of God (or: if it is after all the right thing with and beside God), to repay pressure (or: squeezing and oppression; ordeal; trouble) to those continuously pressuring (squeezing; oppressing; troubling) you folks,
7. and to (or: for) you - the folks being continuously pressed - relaxation (ease; a relaxing of a state of constriction; relief), together with us, within the midst of the uncovering (the unveiling; the laying bare; the revelation; the disclosure) of the Lord Jesus from [the] atmosphere (or: sky;heaven), along with agents of His power (or: with His agents of ability) -
8. within a fire, of flame [with other MSS: in union with a blaze of fire] continuously giving justice (or: repeatedly imparting the effects of fair and equitable dealings from out of the way pointed out, and a maintenance of right) to (or: for; in) those not knowing (or: perceiving) God, even to (or: for; in) those not continuously listening to or paying attention and obeying the message of goodness and well-being, which is our Lord, Jesus (or: which comes from and pertains to our Master and Owner: Jesus),
9. the certain folks who will pay the thing that is right (justice; fairness and equity): ruin pertaining to the Age (or: an unspecified period of ruin or destruction; or: ruin for an age; age-lasting destruction) [coming] from the Lord's face [= the Christ's or Yahweh's presence], even from the glory of His strength (or: the manifestation which calls forth praise regarding, and having the character of, His strength) -
10. whenever He may come to be made glorious within (to be glorified in union with; to have a reputation within) His separated folks (set-apart, holy and sacred ones), and to be wondered at (marveled at; admired) within all the folks believing in that day, seeing that our testimony (or: evidence), [being placed] on you, was believed and is trusted.
11. Unto which end we always continuously pray (think or speak toward goodness and things going well), also, concerning you in order that our God would account you worthy of the calling (or: of equal value to the invitation) and would fill (or: make full) every delight (pleasure, good thought) of virtue (excellence; goodness) and work of faith in power (or: and may make every good disposition of excellence and action of trust full, in union with ability),
12. so that the Name of our Lord, Jesus [other MSS add: Christ], may be made glorious (invested with glory; glorified; made of good reputation) within you folks, and you within Him, according to (down from; in line with; on the level of) the grace and favor of our God and Lord (or: Owner; Master), Jesus Christ.
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