All of Jonathan's New Testament Translation (JMNT) and the 7 Volumes in a continuing series of his New Testament Commentaries are being made available for FREE in a PDF Edition (see below) to proclaim God's unfailing love and to promote the creation of a world where we all
love and care for one another
. . . and we believe that this is truly accomplished through the power of God's Word and God's love for us all!
If you have a passion for sharing God's Word, we welcome your support in spreading God's beautiful message of Goodness, Ease & Well-being. Please feel free to download and distribute all of the free PDF'S available below
to anyone you feel would be blessed by
this liberating, inspiring and empowering message.
Our Donors, and proceeds from supporters who order Jonathan's hard copy books, KINDLE & NOOK ebooks/apps, help continue to make this website and all of Jonathan's Free PDF'S (see below), the JMNT Blue Bold Edition (a work in progress) and Jonathan’s Writings available, so that anyone can Discover God's Message of Goodness, Ease & Well-Being.
We are grateful for all of your love, prayers and support and
may God's goodness overwhelm you!
- The Mitchell Family -
Easy tip for discovering God's beautiful message in the JMNT: Type keywords for that Bible verse you always wondered about into a search engine (especially if you can't remember the exact book, chapter & verse in the Bible), and compare the Bible verses from other translations that come up in the search results with the JMNT. Simply make note of the scripture reference online (e.g.: John 3:16, etc.), then make the comparison by looking up the verse in Jonathan Mitchell's translation. You don't need to read large portions of the JMNT in one sitting to discover how the comparisons may change your life (and your views about God) in a very rewarding and empowering way. Instead, simply meditate on any new insight being revealed, and then put even the smallest seed of truth into action in your daily life . . .
and watch God make it grow (1 Corinthians 3:7)!
This is a work that seeks to give the reader some involvement in the process of translating by presenting a range of semantic meanings of significant Greek words in the midst of the text.
In each passage, read the BOLD TYPE first without the additional meanings. Then read it with the other word meanings. Prayerfully consider the possible meanings and the context and let the Holy Spirit give you understanding and revelation:
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God's Message of Goodness Ease and Well-Being, Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit,
His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love.
This first volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of
New Testament letters, covers 1 Peter, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians,
2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus and Jacob (James).
This second volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of New Testament letters, covers 1 John, 2 John, 3 John, Judah (Jude), Hebrews and Galatians.
This third volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of New Testament letters, is an interpretation of Paul's letter to the first century called-out, covenant community of Christ in Rome, which is arguably his greatest contribution to Christianity.
This fourth volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of New Testament letters, is an interpretation of Second Peter and Ephesians.
This fifth volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of New Testament letters, is an interpretation of the Book of Revelation.
This sixth volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of New Testament letters, is an interpretation of 1 and 2 Corinthians.
This seventh volume, in a series of verse-by-verse comments and explanations on a collection of New Testament letters, is an interpretation of the Gospel of John.
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The Jonathan Mitchell New Testament
Blue Bold Edition
(Currently Only Available Online)
Read the Complete Books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John . . . and More to Come!