A Sample Passage from 2 Peter 3:
7. Yet at the present time the heavens and the earth (or: the atmospheres and skies, as well as the land), by the same Word (or: in the same Logos) – having been collected and being stored up as treasure, by (or: in; for; with) fire – continuously exist, being constantly kept (watched, guarded and maintained) with a view to a day of separating for deciding (or: judging), as well as of loss, ruin or destruction which pertains to the irreverent humans (or: of people devoid of reverential awe toward God).
8. Yet now this one thing [p72: But in this] – let it not continue unnoticed, escape your detection, or be hidden from you – beloved ones, one day beside the Lord [is] as a thousand years, and yet a thousand years [is] as one day.
9. The Lord [= Yahweh] is not continually delaying the promise, as certain folks consider delay, but rather is constantly patient (long of emotion and slow in passion; long before rushing heatedly) unto you, constantly not intending any folks to be lost (or: to destroy themselves), but to the contrary, [for] all people to make room and progress into a change of mind (or: = repentance and a return to God).
10. So the day of the Lord [= Yahweh] will arrive as a thief [i.e., suddenly and without notice], in which [day] the heavens (or: atmospheres; or: skies) will pass by with the noise of sudden movement, but so rudimentary, elementary principles
(or: basic component and parts of a system
arranged in rows, or a grid; e.g., the elements
and assumptions of a religious or intellectual
system), being progressively heated as with a burning fever, will be loosed (unfastened; unbound; or: nullified; destroyed). And then land (or: soil; ground; earth; or: = a territory) – along with the things produced (or: actions; deeds; workmanships; accomplishments) [note: God's and/or man's] within the midst of it – will be found (or: discovered; found out) [p72 adds: being progressively loosed (or: destroyed); A reads: will be burned up]!
11. With all these people thus, then, being loosed, one after another (or: being in the process of being progressively unbound; or: with all these things being dissolved in this way), in what sort of way is it continuously necessary and binding for you folks [other MSS: us] to constantly subsist (or: humbly rule or supportively possess)? Within set-apart (or: holy; sacred), upturned modes of behavior and lives of good awe, worship, reverence and adoration,
12. while constantly being receptive toward and progressively hastening after the presence of God's Day (or: the presence, which is God's day; or: the presence of the day which has the quality and character of God and which is God), through which heavens (or: skies; atmospheres) – being continuously on fire – will be loosed (or: untied); and so [the body of] elements (rudimentary principles and assumptions; component parts of the system) – continuously being intensely hot and burning – is being progressively melted down (or: liquefied).
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