Comments on Second Peter & Ephesians
PETER'S LETTER AND PAUL'S SERMON UNVEIL DYNAMIC PERCEPTIONS concerning God's plan of the ages. This mystery which from the beginning was hidden in God is made known in Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ. These revelations are for the multitudes, and Paul writes of
nothing less than a new creation.
This fresh, clear-cut compilation explores what God's reign looks-like, the realities of our life in Christ within the called-out, covenant communities, and humanity's positive destiny and expectations.
Additionally, Peter's insights and admonitions of personal and corporate growth in God's love are examined in detail. The first century context of his judgment prophecies are considered in terms of the Old Testament apocalyptic character of the language that he used.
Verse-by-verse comments and explanations
Comparisons with other NT texts and OT passages
Multiple quotes from various scholars
Additional articles on topical studies
A bonus, expanded translation of Psalm 23, from the Septuagint (LXX)
The straightforward treatment of the texts and faithfulness to the Greek meanings lead the reader beyond traditional opinions and into a clearer understanding of God's Word.
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God's Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit, His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love, an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author.
Peter's reminders and admonitions as well as Paul's unveilings and encouragements are excellent resources for students of scripture, study groups, leaders, pastors and seekers everywhere.
Read Introduction and Sample Passages/Verses
from Peter's Encore & Later Paul
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