A Sample Passage from An Unveiling (Revelation) of Jesus Christ:
Chapter 1:
7. Consider (or: Look; Behold)! He is continuously (or: presently; repeatedly; habitually; progressively) coming with the clouds, and every eye shall see Him, even which ever of you folks pierce (or: pierced) Him. And all the tribes (people‑groups) of the Land (or: territory; earth) shall beat themselves (strike their breasts in grief, mourning or repentance) upon (= because of) Him. Yes! It is so (Amen)! [Dan. 7:13; Zech. 12:10, 12, 14]
8. “I am continuously (or: repeatedly) the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord [= Christ or Yahweh] God, “the One continuously being, even the One Who was and continued being, and the One presently and continuously (or: progressively) coming and going, the Almighty.”
(or: The Owner is laying out these thoughts:
"I Myself exist being the Alpha and the
Omega – the continuously existing God, even
the One Who continued existing [as] Being,
as well as the One habitually being on the go
and repeatedly moving about – the
. . .
Chapter 21:
5. And the One (or: He [who is])continuously sitting upon the throne said,
"Consider this! I am presently making all things new (or: habitually creating everything [to be] new and fresh; progressively forming the whole anew)!"
Next He is saying [to me],
"Write, because these words are faithful ones (ones full of faith) and true ones."
Chapter 22:
12. “Consider this! I am continuously (habitually) coming quickly (swiftly), and My wage (reward for work; compensation; recompense) [is] with Me, to give back (give away; render; pay) to each one as his work is (= what he deserves).
13. “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning (Origin) and the End (Goal; Finished Product).
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