Great companions to Jonathan Mitchell's New Testament:
Easy to read Verse-by-Verse comments and explanations
on a collection of New Testament (JMNT) books!
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A BEGINNING OF THE GOOD NEWS WHICH IS JESUS CHRIST GOD'S SON! Mark emphasizes the unrivaled qualities that set him apart from other humans -- His deeds, His message, and His unwavering love. Jesus' victory in conquering sin and death was so that we may know the exceeding greatness of His power of resurrection life in us!
The Book of ACTS opens with Jesus showing Himself alive! The Holy Spirit is poured out upon His followers and they begin to teach and preach as ones having authority. Recurring signs and miracles accompany salvation, as God's Logos advances throughout the empire of Rome.
PHILEMON receives a letter from Paul, urging him to receive his runaway slave as a brother in the Lord. Unambiguous love and acceptance remind us that no one is beyond redemption.
The SERMON on the MOUNT is the bedrock outer court teaching for life in the kingdom and remains powerful for us today. The cornerstone Himself, Jesus, unfolds the blueprint for building and becoming the living temple of God! This is a fresh look into Jesus' teachings in Mathew chapters 5 - 7, with additions noted in Luke's version.
Summary - The vivid details in this volume describe the vital period in early Christianity beginning with Jesus' ministry through the death of the Apostle Paul. The church of the 'called out' is birthed, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit transforms lives and communities. The good news is the unstoppable love of God, filling the earth with glory!
This series offers a comprehensive resource for
rich and rewarding study.
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God’s Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being; an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author. This is your guide to more precise and effective study. It is an excellent companion for students of Scripture, study groups, leaders, pastors and truth seekers everywhere.
Read Introduction and Sample Passages/Verses from
Observations on the Gospel of Mark, Acts, Philemon,
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JOHN’S GOSPEL IS THE PROCLAMATION OF GOODNESS, EASE AND WELL-BEING. Revealing surprising discoveries that release deeper revelations about God’s unconditional love, this unique genre of ancient literature presents valuable insights through stories within a Story. In them you will find some of the most significant statements about Jesus: Who He was, His life, His message, and the work that God gave Him to do.
Foundational to Christianity, this Gospel is a treasure to those who sense
a call to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
This book includes:
In depth verse-by-verse comments and explanations
Quotes from NT and OT passages and insights from colleagues
Extensive investigation of the Greek word Logos
A bonus, expanded translation of the Epistle of Barnabas
John’s Gospel is about continuously having and holding Life: the Life of the Age of the Messiah. Filled with numerous iconic verses for the “Christian Faith,” we encounter the coming of the Holy Spirit, the “Paraclete,” in whom we have confidence of help within our growing relationship with God the Father. Topics of focus are the Logos, Light, Life, Bread, Water, Truth, Path (Way; Road), Resurrection and Love.
Jesus, as the Son of God and the Logos of God, is connected to God’s creative power and to the created universe. He now brings forth a new Temple, a new Birth and a new realm of worship. It is the End of the Old covenant, and the beginning of the New. Through this, we experience the good news from God’s redemption of ALL humanity:
The liberation from our failure to walk in love.
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God’s Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being; an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author. This is your guide to more precise and effective study. It is an excellent companion for students of Scripture, study groups, leaders, pastors and truth seekers everywhere.
Read Introduction & Sample Passages/ Verses from
Observations on the Gospel of John
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PAUL’S EXHORTATIONS TO THE CORINTHIANS REVEAL MANY GEMS of the revelation concerning Christ, and the realities of the new age into which God has ushered the world. These letters provide precious insights into the character of God, the work of Christ, Paul’s understanding concerning the Resurrection, and the appropriate conduct for God’s called-out community. God absolutely delights and considers it of great value to restore all of humanity to health, wholeness, and our original state of walking in love, united with God as “one Spirit”!
Another great addition to Jonathan’s series of NT commentaries:
In depth verse-by-verse comments and explanations
Quotes from NT and OT passages, & Second Temple Jewish literature
Citations from multiple scholars who offer diverse perspectives
Historical and contemporary contexts are on offer that may enlighten the thinking of Paul, along with the rhetoric of those days and Paul’s use of language and figures of speech. Although most of Paul’s writings are original to the revelations that he received, we are confident that just as he was aware of the works of Greek poets, he would have been aware of the thinking and manner of OT interpretation such as was used by his contemporary, Philo, of Alexandria.
We view Paul’s theological environment as being a part of the larger Christian movement of his day, and thus quotes from NT passages, 1st century Christian documents, and quotes from the period of Second Temple Judaism, would have likely been representative of the ongoing developments in the oral traditions following the years of the ministry, and then the death, of Jesus Christ. May this work shed light on these two letters written to address specific issues within the 1st century city of Corinth, in addition to their relevance for us today.
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God’s Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being -- an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author. Just what you need to empower your own search - for students of Scripture, study groups, leaders, pastors and truth seekers everywhere.
THE BOOK OF REVELATION: The End of the Old covenant, and The Beginning of the New covenant. Good News for all of humanity! The mystery of John’s vision is not the end of human history as some have viewed it, but rather a message of hope and transformation. This work sheds light upon the ideas and thoughts of God that are revealed through symbolic language and understood by hearing what the Spirit is saying. Those who regard and discern the secret of this Unveiling receive a blessing..
A must-read for every student of Scripture:
In depth verse-by-verse comments and explanations
Comparisons with other NT texts and OT passages
Citations from multiple scholars who offer diverse perspectives
A non-literal, metaphorical methodology is followed in accordance with first century writers who would have drawn upon the Hebrew Bible (OT) to supply the keys to unlock the meanings of the apocalyptic symbolism. Thus, it is important to note that about a third of the verses in Revelation reflect passages from the Hebrew Bible.
This work presents an interpretation of the text that challenges pre-conceived notions of there being a “final” judgment in Revelation. Christ is making all things new. This is a critical point in rightly comprehending the beginning of the New Humanity (cf 1 Cor. 15:45-49; Eph. 2:15), which Paul apocalyptically understood to be a present reality (2 Cor. 5:17). The writings of other 1st century authors inform our understanding of the text. Interpretation of the visions are presented primarily as “already fulfilled,” and as speaking of events that were fulfilled, or inaugurated, in the generation in which John lived. Included are reflections on what this means to us in our current day and age.
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God’s Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being -- an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author. It is for students of Scripture, study groups, leaders, pastors, pioneers, visionaries, searchers and pathfinders everywhere.
Read Introduction & Sample Passages/ Verses from
The End of the Old & The Beginning of the New
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PETER'S LETTER AND PAUL'S SERMON UNVEIL DYNAMIC PERCEPTIONS concerning God's plan of the ages. This mystery which from the beginning was hidden in God is made known in Paul's theme of uniting all things in Christ. These revelations are for the multitudes, and Paul
writes of nothing less than a new creation.
This fresh, clear-cut compilation explores what God's reign looks-like, the realities of our life in Christ within the called-out, covenant communities, and humanity's positive destiny and expectations.
Additionally, Peter's insights and admonitions of personal and corporate growth in God's love are examined in detail. The first century context of his judgment prophecies are considered in terms of the Old Testament apocalyptic character of the language that he used.
Verse-by-verse comments and explanations
Comparisons with other NT texts and OT passages
Multiple quotes from various scholars
Additional articles on topical studies
A bonus, expanded translation of Psalm 23, from the Septuagint (LXX)
The straightforward treatment of the texts and faithfulness to the Greek meanings lead the reader beyond traditional opinions and into a clearer understanding of God's Word.
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God's Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit, His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love, an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author.
Peter's reminders and admonitions as well as Paul's unveilings and encouragements are excellent resources for students of scripture, study groups, leaders, pastors and seekers everywhere.
Read Introduction & Sample Passages/ Verses
from Peter's Encore & Later Paul
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ROMANS IS REGARDED as arguably one of the most important Christian documents ever written. In his letter, Paul reveals insights into an empowering and satisfying walk with God. He faithfully expounds the tremendous scope of God’s plan for the redemption of man.
Paul repeatedly emphasizes that God initiates the action in every aspect. The weakness of the old covenant has been replaced with the new covenant of the Spirit. Bondage to sin is broken. Gift and grace triumph over works and law. Man is brought into new relationship, new freedom, new hope, and new life.
FOR MODERN READERS OF ROMANS, how we understand the topics of justification, salvation, atonement, judgment, wrath/personal emotion, participation in Christ and new covenant inclusion, greatly impact how we live our lives, and how we treat and regard others. It governs how we present to the world God’s message of goodness, ease and well-being in Christ that has come to us by His Spirit.
These principles become the continuous manifestation of that which calls forth praise in the wisdom and goodness and justice of God. The underlying theology of what Paul sets forth in Romans transcends time and place to speak to every generation.
This compilation is a fully developed and extensive work - a dynamic tool for students of scripture, study groups, pastors, leaders and seekers everywhere:
Comments based upon Greek texts with multiple renderings
Critical attention to the Greek verb tenses and noun functions
A historical-critical approach
Citations from multiple scholars who contribute various perspectives
Quotes from New Testament letters and the Gospels
Additional quotes from the Old Testament and Jewish literature
The commentary is based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God's Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit, His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love, a translation by the author.
A VALUABLE COMPANION to your study and understanding of the Scriptures, this collection unlocks every word, every verse and every paragraph to uncover the original thought and intent of God's Word
The interpretation and comments on the letters of John, Judah, Paul and the letter to the Hebrews are based upon the New Testament translation by the author and re-examines the essential messages of the New Covenant; the preeminence of Christ, the truth of love, the better promises, the freedom from bondage, and the God-gifted power of grace over law.
Drawing upon years of meticulous research of multiple texts and resources, this work is intended to shed new light based upon a correct understanding of the Greek texts within the perspective of the local life situations and their first century contexts, and equally important, to serve as a catalyst for critical thinking regarding the impact of these letters upon our lives today.
Inside you will find:
A word-based translation
A historical-critical approach
Multiple renderings of the Greek texts
Critical attention to the significance of the Greek verb tenses
Significance of optional case functions of nouns
A concise introduction to each letter
Alternate renderings parenthetically inserted in light face
Multiple references to other New Testament letters and the four gospels
Additional quotes cited from various commentators
Verses presented in bold face for easy reading
Comments are based upon THE NEW TESTAMENT, God's Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit, His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love, an original, expanded and amplified translation of the New Testament by the author.
For readers worldwide - pastors, teachers, students and study groups, this extensive verse-by-verse commentary expresses the transformative power of the continuously active and living word.
A VITAL PERSPECTIVE flowing from the ancestral wells of
first generation Christianity
This volume is a collection of commentaries on nine letters in the New Testament ~ one by Peter, seven by Paul, and one by Jacob ~ also known as James. Recent scholarship and the continual dynamic of the Spirit have emerged to present a clearer view of the original springs from which the faith has flowed.
Ad fontes: to the sources. Here we engage
conversations with the
ancestors as we wrestle with the interpretation of these Scriptures as they applied to them, and as they are now appropriate to our time. Over the past nineteen centuries of the translation and
interpretation of the Greek texts, divergent and partisan views have caused an accumulation of rubble which filled in the wells of the New Testament manuscripts with "earth," cutting off access to
the original "springs." The flow of the Living Water from many verses and passages has been blocked.
Genesis 26 records Isaac digging again the wells that Abraham had dug. The envious Philistines had filled them in with earth, cutting off their supply and flow of life. Like Isaac, each succeeding generation must endeavor to re-dig the wells and re-open the providential springs to release a fresh flow of the Living Word to the land.
The interpretation and comments of this
volume are based upon a comprehensive translation of the New Testament by the author: THE
NEW TESTAMENT, God's Message of Goodness, Ease and Well-being Which Brings God's Gifts of His Spirit, His Life, His Grace, His Power, His Fairness, His Peace and His Love.
The reader is given multiple renderings
of the Greek texts
The perspective is relevant to the early cultural and historical setting Comments on each letter begin with a concise introduction
Critical attention is given to the
significance of the Greek verb tenses Each verse is presented in bold face for easy reading
Alternate renderings are parenthetically inserted in light face
Multiple references are made to other NT
letters and the four gospels
Additional quotes from various commentators are also cited
About the Author
Jonathan Mitchell is an author, speaker and translator of the Greek New Testament. He holds a master's degree in Anthropology from NAU and is a frequent guest teacher at conferences. He resides with
his family in Arizona.
FREE - Download the 2014 PDF Edition of Jonathan Mitchell's
New Testament (JMNT)
Easy tip for discovering God's beautiful message in the JMNT: Type keywords for that Bible verse you always wondered about into a search engine (especially if you can't remember the exact book, chapter & verse in the Bible), and compare the Bible verses from other translations that come up in the search results with the JMNT. Simply make note of the scripture reference online (e.g.: John 3:16, etc.), then make the comparison by looking up the verse in Jonathan Mitchell's translation. You don't need to read large portions of the JMNT in one sitting to discover how the comparisons may change your life (and your views about God) in a very rewarding and empowering way. Instead, simply meditate on any new insight being revealed, and then put even the smallest seed of truth into action in your daily life . . .
and watch God make it grow (1 Corinthians 3:7)!
Download EASY TO READ Verse-by-Verse
comments and explanations
on a collection of
Jonathan Mitchell's New Testament
FREE - Download All 9 PDF Books in this Continuing Series of
(Great companions to the JMNT!)